I have developed a huge amount of respect for people who lay sod for a living. After work on Thursday, I spent 4 hours laying sod for the first time. (Bermuda grass, & the yard was partially sloped) Each patch of grass was delicate, much to my surprise, so we had to hold them with both hands. Lots of pieces crumbled, no matter how carefully we handled them, so we just tossed them off to the side to use for the smaller areas.
Oddly enough, I came home smiling & with pockets FULL of dirt. I woke up in the middle of the night because my wrists and hands ached so bad! I don't take ibuprofen a whole lot, but I took some as soon as I woke up. Even though it was an exhausting job, I enjoyed the experience. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't mind doing it again someday.
We finished unloading 5 of these bad boys just as the sun fell out of the sky.